Jeff Kaufman, Terrence McNally, Tyne Daly, Nathan Lane, Joe Mantello, and F. Murray Abraham



A winner of the 2024 Long Beach Playhouse New Works Festival.

"A dramatically engaging story about two dynamic women connected by ambition and hope for a future that is devastatingly kept from them by the powers of oppressive political structures. This play excels at building a resonant, intimate connection between the two characters as they learn about one another and make plans together to escape their circumstances (until these plans are inevitably snuffed out). The propulsive, simmering tension of what Pat has done and the consequences this may hold as her husband's people look for her is beautifully subtle, creating dramatic stakes and drive that is always just under the surface of the budding friendship between the two women. The dynamic plot builds up to strong emotional beats, with twists that deliver effective emotional punches.” - Austin Film Festival Playwriting Competition



A winner of the Alliance of Los Angeles Playwrights’ 2024 Play Festival.



“An ambitious and engaging production with dialogue crafted carefully to create distinct characters, all with their own issues within a very dysfunctional family. The pacing is quick and never drags, the viewer thoroughly engaged in the family battle. This is a compelling script with a very satisfying end and a great accomplishment for the writer.” - Austin Film Festival Playwriting Competition



A finalist in the 2024 Spectacular Tournament of Playwrights



A short film screenplay; Off Page Short Play & Film Festival finalist / selected for the Chicago Script Awards

“The delightfully written script presents a version of an elder Van Gogh reflecting on his life if he hadn’t died by shooting himself. It is a beautiful idea. The script openly condemns war and the way humankind loses its humanity to machinery, all of which is greatly explored… and those final lines are something else. Here we have a script that, if made as a film, would speak directly to the many people who have gone through difficult experiences. It invites its audience to look at the big picture and accept and enjoy life as it comes. Even dark times must end at some point and there will always be something beautiful to look at. It’s a considerably touching message and it feels, indeed, like something Van Gogh could have said. This is a fantastic read.” - 2025 BlueCat Screenplay Competition



“This is an absolutely beautiful play, and I honestly found myself wiping tears away at the end. The characters are all incredibly fascinating: the troubled, relatable, witty son Alan made a great main character, and his successful gay identical twin Michael is really refreshing. The character who surprised me the most is the Mother. I fully expected to despise her as I read her introductory scenes, but as I learned more about her past (particularly with her tragic and abusive ex-husband), I found myself not just sympathizing with her, but almost rooting for her. I did not at all expect where the story would go in terms of plot, but that made it all the more delightful.” - 2023 Screencraft Stage Play Contest